Politics from the Palouse to Puget Sound

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Swift-Kicking of John Kerry

The fallout over Kerry's boneheaded remarks continues. It's a bit of satisfying instant karma for a party that has done nothing but engage in negativity since Katrina's wind died down last year. He who lives by the sound bite, shall die by the sound bite.

Kerry in Seattle campaigning for Cantwell

Does Senator Cantwell accept Kerry's comments?

Cantwell: It's all Bushies fault; John who?

McGavick demands Cantwell address Kerry's comments

Kerry's gift to the GOP

John Kerry, Still One Step Behind

Kerry, Kerry, quite contrary

Kerry's Mouth-Bound Combat Boot

Kerry's political instincts fail him again

Iowa candidate asks Kerry to cancel campaign visit

Kerry cancels Mankato appearance

Kerry Cancels Casey Event

TN Senate candidate Harold Ford asks Kerry to apologize

Embattled Kerry Cancels Appearances to Distance Himself From Dem Candidates

After remark, Kerry curtails campaigning for Democrats

John Kerry May Single-Handedly Lose Another Election

1 comment:

Satanic Mechanic said...

Those crazy Massachusetts Senators. This is John Kerry's "Chappaquiddick" that is for sure. I doubt Ted Kennedy, Senator, murderer, rapist and drunk driver will not even help out Kerry.