Politics from the Palouse to Puget Sound

Friday, June 09, 2006

Warmed Over Elitism

Jana Lien, who insulted our town last week in a letter to the editor by comparing it to Pottersville, is bragging about it on her newly-created blog, called "Warm Earth Writings." She is hoping her blog will "evolve into a virtual coffeehouse in the spirit of the former Combine Mall in downtown Pullman where Palouse friends and neighbors gathered for conversation, local art and music, and community." Gosh, I feel warmer and fuzzier already.

Jana states:
Coming soon in Wal-Mart Part 2: Why Wal-Mart is not a good fit for Pullman - I can name at least 10 reasons off of the top of my head - can you? It's unfortunate that the perception of cheap products blinds people to the actual cost of a Wal-Mart on a town.
I can hardly wait. "Attack of the snobs" indeed.

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