First, a letter to the Moscow-Pullman Daily News that ran yesterday about Moscow's Orwellian mayor, Nancy "Big Sister" Chaney:
Across the globe, madmen are at the helm of one country after another – including and especially our own. Greed, avarice, cruelty, and the hunger for power are destroying a heartbreakingly beautiful planet and all the creatures upon it. However, in Moscow, we are blessed with the excellent good fortune to have, as mayor, a human being who, unlike so many other elected officials in the world, truly embodies the finer characteristics of human beings.What a riot! All hail Chaney! All hail Chaney!! This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!!
Nancy Chaney is the best chance Moscow has to evolve, survive, and thrive. Contrary to those naysayers who accuse without a basis in fact, Nancy is the epitome of fairness, consideration and clear thinking. She does not bestow favors in an effort to curry votes to bolster her own political capital. She does not base her mayoral decisions upon any kind of personal gain. She cares about all members of the community, not just her friends and political backers or those with dangling carrots. She is kind and considerate and accepting of just how different we all are. She also understands how much we all have in common, including the well-being of this place we all call home. She educates herself on the issues and the facts, and she grounds her decisions in seeking to do well by the community as a whole. She is the opposite of self-serving.
I am relieved beyond measure to have Nancy at the head of our ship. Honor, dignity, graciousness, intellect, composure, passion, integrity, compassion – what more could we want? As members of the community, our responsibility is to dig down and find the very finest in ourselves, to offer what we have to the world around us, to care for one another and our own lovely piece of the world. We need to follow Nancy’s example.
Next, we have some quotes that appeared in today's Lewiston Tribune about a Moscow "economic development summit":
"I would argue that growth itself is not sustainable," Chaney said. "We know we have something special here, if we can put our finger on it." The mayor suggested the potential for an ecological industrial park that produces sustainable products that tell everyone Moscow is a "very cool happening place."So, let's recap shall we?. At an economic development summit for the city of Moscow, the mayor, two city council members, and the county's economic development chief stated that growth is not sustainable, must be limited, does not involve new businesses, and mostly happens when you put it together and say "bibbidy-bobbidy-boo." And they wonder why Moscow has an anti-business reputation? Oh, brother.
(City Councilwoman Linda) Pall agreed, but added that much of what Moscow is today happened by chance. "Serendipity steers some wonderful things," she said
Margaret Howlett, executive director for the Latah Economic Development Council, said more jobs are created by expanding established businesses than by attracting new ones.
City Councilor Aaron Ament reminded everyone economic growth might be limited by what many consider Moscow's limited water supply. He said commercial development should be encouraged on the western edge of town and the downtown area should be kept vibrant because it makes Moscow the kind of town it is.
When you have an "economic development council" like that, who needs enemies?
How long can stagnation and shrinkage be sustained?
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