Politics from the Palouse to Puget Sound

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

For those who missed the memo:

King County home of the greater Seattle area changed its name from King County to King County. That is right. They made the bold step of renaming the county after Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

It was renamed years ago, but they did not change any logos or anything. However now that the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr County council has fixed all other problems in the county (CAO, 520-bridge, Alaskan way Viaduct, etc) it has decided now is the right time to spend hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to change the county seal, logos, etc.

Tom and I started to refer to King County by its full name, Rev. Martin Luther King Jr County, on The PES. I also use the full name in my writings too. I am soooo politically correct. Yay me!

1 comment:

April E. Coggins said...

We should probably have Seattle envy and rename Whitman County, which was originally named for Marcus Whitman,


to Whitman County for Walt Whitman. Just like Martin Luther King, Walt Whitman's biography has been reinvented to serve the far-left's agenda.

And while their constituants children and families suffer under the burden of over taxation, the elite of King County pat each other on the back about repainting vehicles and signs to reflect their own personal inclusiveness.